Back to the Airport in the Sky...
We watch the planes come in and there must have been a flying club coming in because there were small airplanes in a pattern, coming in one right after the other. We saw about 10-12 land in about a 30 minute time period. Never realized the airport was so busy. There’s a bit of an interpretive center there and a short botanical trail as well as a huge tile map of the island. It’s really cool to show people where they started out and where they’ve been. Most people are surprised to see how big the island is.
There’s also a small gift shop with some very nice stuff – as well as a restaurant with indoor and outside patio seating – which overlooks the mountains of the island – very nice.
Also there is a short (less than ½ mile both ways) interpretive trail down to the steatite soapstone quarry. It’s the first time we’ve hiked down there and it was a b
it anti-climatic when you got there but there are some rocks that the natives had started to carve out their soapstone bowls. Soapstone is very soft rock so it’s fairly easy to carve. This trail intersected the Airport Loop Trail as well as the Trans-Catalina Trail.
Also there is a short (less than ½ mile both ways) interpretive trail down to the steatite soapstone quarry. It’s the first time we’ve hiked down there and it was a b
Continuing on to Two Harbors we saw our first buffalo. It was a lone male on the hill. Lots of time you can see a herd by the airport but it's always amazing to see the buffalo. The juxtaposition of them by the surf is an incredible sight.
We went through Rancho Escondido - which means Hidden Ranch. It's a gorgeous spot in a bit of a hollow and a beautiful spot for a ranch. It's where the Wrigley's raised Arabian
horses. There are stables with boarded horses and a number of territorial stucco buildings and recently planted vineyards. There's also a small museum that you stop at on the tours that displays some beautiful saddles and trophies won as well as carriages and stage coaches.
Climbing out of Rancho Escondido we spot more buffalo. Very cool.
On to the scenic overlook. You couldn't find a more beautiful spot on the island, overlooking Shark Harbor and Two Ha
rbors (with the rock formation called the Whales Tail between them) and in the distance the entrance to Catalina Harbor. Of course we have to get out and soak in the view.
Off to Little Harbor - one of the islands 5 or 6 scenic campgrounds. Parking the car and walking through the campground we head to the beach. The recent rains have made the low land before the beach a muddy/sandy mess but we get thru i
t with a minimum of slides. The beach is wide and a bit rocky. Our friend heads over to the tidepools while we search the beach for flat rocks to skip in the surf. I hate to leave but we're getting hungry - it's way past noon.
The terrain after Little Harbor turns very desert like and lots of prickly pear - very different than the scrub and small trees on part of the island we just drove through. We round a corner and there's the coastline and Two Harbors - just spectacular!
Next up... the small community of Two Harbors.